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EcoFlame package deals

On a budget? No problem. We are currently offering a range of Ecoflame stoves as a package deal. Meaning that you get your stove installed for less. Prices range from £1999 - £2200 depending on the stove and do not include any additional building work, as this is priced separately, subject to site visit.​

All packages include:

  • Your chosen ecoflame stove

  • 1 x 1m 5" vitreous enamel pipe

  • 1 x 5" MA adapter

  • 1 x Register plate

  • 1 x 316 grade 5" stainless steel flue liner

  • 1 x Pot hanging cowl

  • 1 x Carbon monoxide detector

  • Labour and all HETAS Documentation

EcoFlame 1
Multifuel stove

Output - 5kw

Efficiency - 80.7%

Weight - 65kg

Flue size - 125mm

Wood burning - yes

Multifuel - yes

Warranty- 5 Years, stove body only


EcoFlame 2 5kw
Multifuel stove

Output - 5kw

Efficiency - 82.5%

Weight - 65kg

Flue size - 125mm

Wood burning - yes

Multifuel - yes

Warranty- 5 Years, stove body only


EcoFlame 2 Mini
Multifuel stove

Output - 4.1kw

Efficiency - 77.1%

Weight - 50kg

Flue size - 125mm

Wood burning - yes

Multifuel - yes

Warranty- 5 Years, stove body only

Ecoflame2 mini
Ecoflame2 mini

EcoFlame 2 8kw
Multifuel stove

Output - 8.1kw

Efficiency - 79.4%

Weight - 80kg

Flue size - 125mm

Wood burning - yes

Multifuel - yes

Warranty- 5 Years, stove body only

Ecoflame2 8kw

EcoFlame 3
Woodburning stove

Output - 5kw

Efficiency - 75.4%

Weight - 66kg

Flue size - 125mm

Wood burning - yes

Multifuel - no

Warranty- 5 Years, stove body only

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